中部支部支部長 西尾 由里
外国語教育メディア学会(The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology, LET)は、外国語教育を中心とする言語教育の理論および方法と、それに利用する教育メディアの研究をおこない、その分野の発展に寄与するとともに、会員相互の情報交換をおこなうことを目的として1961年から設立されました。その後、各支部での活動が活発になり、1972年に中部支部が設立され、早いもので今年は50年の節目を迎えております。現在がありますのは、多くの会員の皆様のご理解ご協力のおかげであると感謝致しております。
その間、教員と学習者の人とのインタラクティブを中心とする研究から、デジタル音声やCALL、マルチメディア、インターネットを使った研究、様々なアプリの活用、AR(Augmented Reality)、VR(Virtual Reality)やメタバースの研究とまさにメディアと名がつく学会に相応しい研究領域となっております。さらにこの動きを加速させたのが、コロナ禍でした。先進国の中でデジタル化で後れを取っていた日本ですが、一気にZOOM、Teams、Slackなど、今まで使ったこともなかったツールを使い始め、戸惑いながらも、遅れない教育が実現できましたのは、多くの先生方の努力と工夫のおかげであると思っています。現在では、これらのツールがない生活や教育環境は考えられない状態になりました。このような日々変革していく中で、学会として、多くの皆様に最新の情報や研究を発表し、共有する場として、ますます本学会の意義が問われているように思われます。
I’m very honored to be the chair of LET Chubu chapter.
The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (LET) was founded in 1961 to promote research on theories and methods of language education, especially foreign language education and educational media, and to contribute to the development of the field. Subsequently, the Chubu Chapter was established in 1972, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of its founding. We are grateful for the contributions and support of our many members.
During the past 50 years, we have conducted a wide range of research, from interactive research between teachers and learners, to research covering various media: digital audio, CALL, multimedia, the Internet, apps, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and the Metaverse, which are all covered by the term “Media” in the name of our association. This research has been further accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic. Japan, which had lagged behind other developed countries in digitization, at once began to grapple with online tools many people had never used before, such as ZOOM, Teams, and Slack. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of many teachers, students could keep up their studies in many ways using on demand materials or real-time lessons. Today, a society or educational environment without these tools is unthinkable. In the midst of these daily changes, as an academic society, LET Chubu chapter promotes high-quality research and professional networking and shares the latest developments in all fields of language education.
Furthermore, with the current low birthrate, aging population, and dramatic decrease in the number of 18-year-olds, it is becoming more and more common to use multiple languages in Japan, not least of which are Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean. As our association is concerned with all foreign languages, not just English, we anticipate that our research on multilingualism will also progress further in the future.
Together with all the teachers and researchers who are members of our association, with our sponsors who provide us with the latest educational information, and with the young researchers of the future, we are committed to strengthening our association and becoming a global academic society that is open to the world, both domestically and internationally.